FREE Networking Guide – How to quickly identify the people with the problems you can solve!

A 5 step guide to help you improve your networking strategy, ensure it’s an effective part of your sales process and build your customer base.

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FREE Networking Guide –
How to quickly identify the people with the problems you can solve!
Networking has a number of purposes and the possible positive outcomes are varied. It can be a great way to:
- Meet potential partners who can help you accelerate your business
- Find clients either through direct contact or through referral.
- Do market research and test your ideas
- Find your suppliers
- Get out of isolation and mix with other business people
- Find advice and support
Some these are the less tangible benefits of networking that can make it worthwhile no matter what but if ultimately you are looking to increase leads and sales to grow your business, then if you don’t put some thought into your networking strategy, and approach it in the right way to achieve these tangible outcomes, it can result in a big waste of time. And if it isn’t at least paying for itself, a waste of money!
The challenge…
If you’re not careful, networking can become overwhelming in terms of there being so many people to meet, chat with and potentially build relationships with. You can’t easily build relationships with everyone to the same level, so it’s vital you know who the people are with problems you can solve, or who are potential referral partners, with whom you can concentrate your efforts.
Equally, as many SME Business Owners have limited sales experience they often find it challenging to know how to create or identify opportunities and use networking to feed their sales pipeline.
The solution…
In this FREE Guide: Networking – how to quickly identify the people with the problems you can solve” you will get to work on your networking strategy to gain clarity on who and how to focus your efforts when networking.
This will help you:
- Identify the type of businesses you most want to work with
- Consider your market opportunities
- Clarify your target market, ideal connections and potential partners
- Better understand the value of your services and products, to your potential prospects
- Create effective questions to qualify prospects and partners

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