When someone leaves employment to start their own business they experience a huge surge of excitement about the possibility of what the future can hold for them. They are liberated from working for someone else’s gain. Away from the stress of their old employer. Free to follow their own life’s path and pursue what they love. Free to manage their own time. Free to “write their own pay check” and earn all the money they make. Free to make their mark on the world!
Those early days are so exciting aren’t they?! That fire of pure potential driving you forward towards achieving your dreams. Uninterrupted belief and hope for the future.
Unfortunately, sometimes the reality of running your own company can really diminish this. You leave your job to be free, but over time gradually become like a slave to your business. Often working long hours, paying yourself last and stressed by all the multiple priorities and demands. It turns out to be a marathon not a sprint which can ware away at those dreams.
This can effect motivation, energy, focus and drive, which are exactly what are needed in order to keep persevering for long enough to realise your businesses true potential.
The truth of this is reflected in business failure rate. According to the office for national statistics of the businesses started in 2010, only 40% continued to exist by 2015.
Many people we speak to have lost sight of why they’re doing what they’re doing and are feeling stuck in and overwhelmed by the day to day grind.
If this sounds familiar we want to help you re-fuel your passion and drive by asking you 20 questions designed to ignite a fire in you! Take the time to answer these as the outcome will be clarity of your purpose. But first…
What is purpose?
The definition of “Purpose” is “The reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists.” So it’s the motive, the motivation, the reason, and point to what you are doing. It’s the “Why” behind what you are doing, and without a clear reason why, it can be very easy to lose the motivation, focus and drive to keep moving forward.
“Purpose” is also “a person’s sense of resolve or determination.” Without it, you can easily lose the resolve or determination to achieve the goals and vision of the business.
Having a powerful purpose is important for your success, yet so many business owners we work with do not have a clear sense of what it is for them. Therefore we always start our work with them by clarifying this, and we find this is hugely beneficial in not only fuelling the fire, but developing the appropriate vision and strategy for growth to fulfil that purpose. With clarity of purpose they have the information they need to set their direction.
20 Questions
So CLICK HERE to download your 20 questions sheet. Take the time to complete them fully and you will be amazed by how it will improve your motivation!
By answering this you will be in a better position to understand the answers to these important questions:
Is your business fit for purpose – are you getting the return on investment you hoped for?
Are you getting the independence you truly want?
If not what will it take for you to change this?
What impact has this had on your belief, energy, drive? On the decisions you are making? On the vision you now hold? On what you expect to happen? What are you accepting at the moment that you don’t really want to?
Looking back over your answers, what are you going to change / do differently this month to move you in the direction you want to go?
If this fuels the fire in you to want to drive your business to the next level, come along to our next seminar ‘How to drive your business to the next LEVEL’ CLICK HERE