Next LEVEL Business Scorecard

And guide on ‘Developing the 6 Core Growth Drivers for a Next LEVEL Business’

How is your business going right now? Are you happy with where it is? Is it running the way you want it to be? Is it achieving what you want it to achieve? Is it enabling you to do all you want to do?

If not, do you know how close you are to getting there, or where you need to focus to do so?

Do you have the drive and commitment to develop and grow it?

Our scorecard is designed to help you find the answers to these questions, get a grip on where you are now, give you a defined vision of what you want the business to look like in 12 months time and clarify what you need to focus on to get it there.

The Challenge

Often SME Business Owners have some idea of how they want to improve things but are either too overwhelmed with the day to day of running a business, are “burying their head in the sand” to the things they aren’t happy with, or procrastinating over the business development activity that will change things for the better.

Or often they are settled in a “comfort zone” which could mean either they are genuinely comfortable and happy as things are, or it could be they are stuck in an “uncomfortable comfort zone” but don’t know how to get out of it!

Which is true for you?

We find often small business owners can get stuck and the prospect of more and better doesn’t seem realistic?

Sometimes it’s because of “time”, or the lack of it, and the challenge of being in business with all of the multiple priorities.

Sometimes it’s because they have settled into a way of doing things which is generally reactive to what comes in daily rather than making a concerted effort to proactively focus on making changes to drive the business forwards.

Sometimes they have lost sight of their vision (or never had one) so lack motivation to change things.

Sometimes they just don’t know what to change or how.

Or sometimes it’s that they don’t want to change things because they really are happy with things as they are.

How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with how things are in your business right now?

CLICK HERE TO START YOUR ‘Next Level Business’ scorecard.

Would you like to get a clear sense of where you are, whether you really want to and how driven you are to make changes?

If so, invest just 10 minutes to complete this insightful ‘Next LEVEL business’ scorecard to get a better understanding of what needs to change to take your business to the next level and how driven you are to do so.

As a result, one of two things will happen.  Either you will realise that you are OK as you are. Or you will fuel the drive to improve and develop your business for the better.

First get clarity on where you are right now, where you’re doing well and where not so well. Then think about what, if anything, you’d like to be different and better and how much better do you want it to be?

This will help you to get a true sense of how driven you are to commit to developing your business in the midst of your already busy schedule – though we anticipate that regardless of the level of your ambition it will highlight things you want to improve.

If you have the drive to take your business to the next level you we will also offer you our guide on ‘Developing the 6 Core Business Growth Drivers’. This will help you to clarify your vision in detail and plan effectively to make it happen.


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