The Next Level Business Club
What are the signs your business could be ready for a ‘growth phase’?
What is a ‘growth phase’? A growth phase will mean different things in different businesses dependent on their level of ambition and where they are right now. To some SME Business Owners it will mean an increase in customers and sales, to others it’ll be…
5 Vital Functions
For Building A Successful Business
Whether you are a Micro Business Owner or running a global concern, there are 5 key function areas of your business you need to lead effectively at all times: Marketing, Sales, Operations, People and Finance. A function is defined as “A process or operation that is…
The importance of strategy if you want success in the next 12 months
I recently overheard a conversation where someone was talking about their strategy for developing business ideas. They said the key is to “throw a lot of things out there and see what sticks, then do more of that.” Now the first thing I thought of when I heard this…