'Strategy For Finance Success' Workshop

Clarify what financial success means for you and how best to achieve it through your business.

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One of the biggest challenges for a small business owner is to clearly understand the finance required to achieve what they want in their business.  In fact many businesses fail because they underestimate the funding required.  Even when a business doesn’t fail it’s common to experience peaks and troughs through lack of funding, poor decisions on what to invest money on or insufficient financial management.

Is this for you?


This is for you if…

  • You are not sure how to get a return on investment for the time and money you’ve put into your business
  • You are not yet earning as much as you could earn if you were working for someone else
  • You look at what your accountant sends you and immediately put it to one side
  • You want to raise finance to grow your business
  • You want to grow your business and you don’t know how much funding you need
  • You don’t have a robust financial plan for growth
  • You find financial management and jargon stressful


Over the course of this day you will clarify your business ambition and better understand the financials that underpin it.  You’ll get the chance to consider the impact of your business decisions on the financials and realise the impact of your financials on your business decisions so you can build confidence in your business  management and make better decisions going forward. You will leave with insight into the strategies that increase personal and business wealth, explore how to increase the value of your business and identify the aspirational financial plan for achieving your ambition aim.

'Strategy For Finance Success' Workshop

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